From this week's Herald Grab Bag: Q. I can't find who to turn in the remains from Cerberus. I've tried all the Taxidermist in the Kaupang housing market area close to Haptoft. I briefly looked in Jordheim for a taxidermist with no luck. Help please? A. Knowing all of the secrets of the Taxidermists, The Lady of the Jewels offers this help: Remains from Labyrinth mobs can be turned in to the following NPCs to be made into trophies: Albion: Elkyrd in the Caerwent Market Midgard: Bruhdor in the Erikstaad Market Hibernia: Urlaun in the Meath Market Friendly reminder - check out the Merchant page right here at the Olde Apothecary for name and location for your trophy vendors! |