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From the Herald grab bag...

"Q. I?m trying to dye the Dragonsworn Round shield. I tried enamel (light brown, brown and dark brown), leather dye (dark brown), cloth dye (dark brown) and crafted weapon luster (earthen brown). All say that the shield is dyable, but not by that dye. What do I use to dye it?

A. This item is dyable by the weapon enamels that drop from boss mobs in Shrouded Isles and Trials of Atlantis zones. Thanks, Lady of the Jewels! Looks like some raids are in order!"

From the 1.90a release notes on the Herald:

"- The /use spell icons of the 'Draught of Power' potions now indicate that they are self-only effects.

- Once imbued into an object, the Stable Greater Celeric Arcanium Tincture now has the proper icon for a self-melee haste buff."

I should also note that with the advent of 1.90, Siegecraft has been introduced as a new tradeskill and the diminutive siegecraft line in Alchemy is now obsolete.